This is my Dad

by Keli Morton Gerrits
(Laguna Beach CA)

Outside of music, he produced 3 daughters with his best friend Lois, who he met @ 14 & even after marriage & divorce, spent his whole life in a beautiful relationship w/her that maintained commitment, love, heart ache, hope, growth & so much more. Together they watched the growth of their family & even befriended in the most genuine way, each others new partners. She was by his side througout his illness until the very last moments, literally. I share this w/those that appreciated his gift for creativity & invention b/c you have earned the honor of knowing something true about him.

XO's his #3 daughter......

Keli Morton Gerrits

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Nov 13, 2017
Hi. George Stermer intoduced me to your dad. Shadow. At Mothers East side pud...i had just broken up with my fiance and needed a place to stay. Shadow brought me into his house in Dix Hills..I had a b
by: John Ryan

Blue Harley and a red Dpitfire GT sports car..Shadow And I became great friends I drove him to many interesting places.I spent lots of time with Stacy and her friend Mindy...I played my guitar back by the pool for them...

John Ryan

Mar 07, 2013
Your father
by: CJ

Hi Keli. Thank you for sharing. Your fathers talent was nothing short of amazing. Do you have any more stories and/or pictures you can share with us?



Mar 07, 2013
Your father
by: C Juried

Thank you, Keli, for sharing with us a bit more about your father. I wish I would have had the chance to meet him as his talent was nothing short of amazing. Do you have any photos and/or stories you could share with us?


Chris Juried

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