The Manor desk

by Dan Schwartz
(Los Angeles, CA)

Hello - the Manor desk, pictured maybe fifth from the top, belongs to myself and a partner. I was told by a good friend of Dick’s, from whom I bought the console in ‘91, that he always referred to it as his “flagship console”. It’s certainly large enough - 32x24x4x2, with a 28-input monitor section on the left.

It IS for sale from storage, at the right price.

Dan Schwartz

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Jul 06, 2022
First album recorded on Manor Helios desk?
by: jim mills

Hi I'm working on the memoirs of Gerald Chevin, who Dick Swettenham tasked with installing the Helios desk at the Manor. I'm wondering if it is known what the first recording made on this desk was? I'd like to include that in the book if possible. Thank you!

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