Sugar Rays Recording Company
by Pat Reyford
(Essex UK)
Hi Folks,
We are based in Essex in the UK and we are in the process of building a complete mono valve/tube recording studio in a little building. 40ft by 17ft with a 11ft apex roof. We have kitted the soundproofing with old style perforated pegboard which will be painted an off white color. The recording booth(with window) will be at one end of the building. We will be working with An Ampex 350 2 track and an Ampex 300 mono(bathtub electronics) along with a Collins 212e broadcast console which we purchased off a very helpful chap called Robert Van Dyke. So far as microphones are concerned we have a various number ranging from Altec/Western electric 639's, RCA 77's, RCA 74's and 55 Fat boy Shure's. Even got the old fashion heavy duty mic stands. Compressors consist of Altec 436c and hoping to get another. Be nice when we can finally also get an RCA 44 too. Fro location recording we've got ampex 600's with an Ampex MX35. Hopefully we'll get a great sound just like they use to back in the old days. Will update when its complete.
Pat Reyford (United Kingdom)