Studios are getting smaller

by Tom Watson
(Los Angeles, CA, USA)

I thought I'd mention a trend that has been happening over the last couple of decades which is a lot of recording studios are getting smaller and a lot of the large ones are shutting down. It's pretty much a combination of recording budgets shrinking, land and rent prices rising and the trend of popular music using less live instruments and full bands which means it can be created in smaller spaces.

Tom Watson

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May 30, 2020
Big Rooms
by: John Sisti

I have had the opportunity to record in Studio A and A&M, The big room at Capital studio A, and scoring stages. There is nothing like a large space. Having at least 18 to 20 feet between you and the nearest wall gives you a clarity to the recording that is unique. Although not devoid of resonances they larger per-delay makes a large difference. Small dead rooms can be livened up with good reverbs but are less inspiring to the performer. That has been my experience. It is ultimately about the performance. In the 70s there were a lot of "Dead" rooms being built. They tended to be unpleasant to perform in.

John Sisti

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