RCA Studios New York similarity...

by Artie Torgersen

I wonder if these Consoles were designed by the same designers of the RCA consoles from a similiar time period?

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Nov 01, 2013
by: Wilebee

I have a pair of these eq's wondering if anyone has some Documentation, Frequencies or a schematic. I'll post some pictures of them and the inside. They are Beautiful passive LCR filters

Sep 21, 2011
Console Design
by: Chris Juried

Hi Artie,

I would imagine that Gordon Clark, Lenny Stea, George Schowerer along with others, from that circle, had a part to play with your console. I believe George Schowerer and Lenny Stea will be joining us soon, on HistoryofRecording.com, and may be able to elaborate.


Chris Juried

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