Pics of the Capitol Records (Hollywood) Studio B system

by Bill Hare
(San Jose, CA)

Capitol Console and 3M M-56 recorder at Astral Sounds, San Jose circa 1985

Capitol Console and 3M M-56 recorder at Astral Sounds, San Jose circa 1985

Having bought an existing 8-track studio in San Jose, California in 1984, we immediately wanted to upgrade to a higher track count. A friend of mine brokered a deal to get the custom Capitol-built console (A hybrid of Quad-Eight, Electrodyne, and custom parts) that resided in the Capitol Tower Studio B from 1971 to 1977; it had been in a studio across the street in Hollywood for the 7 years since it had been retired from Capitol, along with the 3M M-56 16-track machine that had been paired with it from the beginning. These pictures show the console soon after we installed it at Astral, circa 1985.

Bill Hare

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Jun 13, 2017
How can I forget such great memories!
by: Peter London

It was a blast recording there with you Bill...The song took off on radio ..remember "She's Going"
Cheers my friend....

Peter London!~

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