Paul Barrett

by Paul Barrett

Hi Robert it's Paul Barrett aka 'Legs' of good old Penarthsville - the last resort. I received a phone call a couple of weeks back. Backing how you could be contacted and asking about a rock'n'roll book you have written. I told the caller I would try to reach you I sent an email message but got nothing back. This person who's name I missed - my hearing is pretty shot now.. Is on Welsh code 029. local code 20. 7103373. Please mention my name if you make contact. I do always at least try to do what I say I will do.

I too ask for information regarding your book dealing with 50s rock'n'roll and the Welsh/UK scene.

Best wishes & rockin' regards,

Paul Barrett

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Feb 07, 2015
E-MAIL no good ?
by: Anonymous

Paul: I e-mailed to you at .. barrett email I had from way back but it came back a week ago as undeliverable. Maybe check with 'BAT" Goddard he will give you my e-mail as it must be an old e-mail of mine that you have.

I don't want to list it this public site that's all !

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