Optro 1000 MTR

by Christopher Hallam
(Melbourne Australia)

Optro 1000 MTR

Optro 1000 MTR

The Australian company, Optro, built 16 and 24 track two inch tape machines. These where designed by Mr Graham Thirkle, the company owner/director who also developed the Editron syncroniser. It is beleived by members of the AES, in Australia, that Graham was in fact the first to develop the 2 inch 24 track tape machines.

Chris Hallam
Hallamsound Productions
hallamsound at gmail.com

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Mar 10, 2015
by: Kelline

The rare collection Christopher. Thank you for sharing it. It need a good service I can feel that from the photo. Keep it as a treasure or share it with the legends they will give you a big story of this.

Jul 22, 2013
More information on Manufacture/Products
by: Chris Juried

Hi Christopher,

Do you have any more information on the manufacture and/or their respective products. Thank you.


Chris Juried

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