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Nov 13, 2020
Not sure if this is too late.
by: Sabre Goldman


I am Lynn's daughter-in-law. If you somehow get this message, I would love to find out about their time in Mira Sound. And, if you want, I could give her your contact information.


Nov 05, 2016
Brooks Arthur business card
by: Scott Hornstein

I was cleaning out my closet and among other Mirasound stuff, I found Brooks' business card. Anyone interested?

Scott Hornstein

Aug 12, 2016
Response from Nephew
by: Scott Hornstein

One of the worst decisions I've made was to lose touch with Bob and Lynn. I've been trying to find them, without success. The last time I saw them they were living in Thousand Oaks. Bob was into firearms - buying and selling. Lynn was managing the kids. The I believe they moved to the DC area. Both applied to Voice of America. Bob got hired, Lynn got passed over and filed a discrimination lawsuit. Then the trail goes cold. Piecing things together I believe Bob passed away and I think Lynn remarried (I don't know where they divorced or not - you may remember Bob being a character). I think Lynn's new last name is Bartlett. Zero luck in making contact. Do you have any news or insights, please?

Scott Hornstein

Aug 12, 2016
Bob and Lynn
by: Bill Radice

Can anyone tell me what happened to them in the years 1980-now?

Bill Radice

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