Memories of the Bing Crosby Enterprise Shop in Hollywood

by Dave Brown
(Queen Creek, AZ)

My father, Eugene F. Brown worked for Bing Crosby Enterprises as a recording/mechanical engineer during the development of video on tape. My father was a good friend of Jack Mullins. When Jack would travel to Europe, he would ask my Dad and Family to stay at his home in the Valley. I remember his home as a huge beautiful home and always wished we could have a home like this. My brother and I have fond memories of our times in Northridge, California.

I also remember once we were at BCE and Bing came in... we got to meet him in person. I thought that was really something, because here we were standing and talking to a celebrity.

My father went on to be Chief Engineer for Capitol Records before he branched out on his own to build custom recording studio equipment. I used to help him build the Ampex tape recorders in our garage for his clients. When my father passed, Jack came over and helped my Mom go through my Dad's things to preserve those things that were important to him and the recording industry.

I have many records that were recorded by my Dad when he worked for Radio Recorders. I was very young at that point and do not really know if these records are important to the industry history or not. Any thoughts on them would be appreciated.

I will look through some old photos and see if they include any photos from BCE or other places where my Dad was employed.

Dave Brown

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Feb 16, 2015
Jack's house
by: Dale Manquen

I believe Jack's house was in Benedict Canyon, which isn't quite "the Valley".

Dale Manquen

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