Comments for KUNF, La Cañada, California

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Sep 27, 2021
Vague memories
by: Anonymous

In 1971, Ward Hall and I (Sandy Jamieson) tried to get into radio. When we saw the radio room and equipment we knew we were over our heads with technical issues. I recall the huge RCA turntables and the fact that we could only play BMI licensed music, no ASCAP due to licensing issues. Keeping the station on the air was a challenge.

I don’t recall who we worked with, or the teacher advisor. As I recall, Ward and I only broadcast a few times.

We spent a lot of time at KPCC trying to network. There we met Weird Al and Dr. Dimento. Neither of us wound up working for radio.

It would be nice to hear of others who were involved with the station and their stories. Thanks for your’s.

Aug 09, 2013
Need info on La Canada High's KUNF Radio
by: Art Uvaas

I am interested in writing an article on
La Canada High's KUNF RADIO. Also, on NORTH (Torrance, CA.) High's: KNHS Radio. Regretfully,
(and stupidly), the school districts allowed
the licenses to lapse, (depriving students the
opportunity-- at these two schools-- to learn the
business of radio). In the second largest media
market in the U.S., this is a shame.

Other metropolitan area school districts have FCC,
over-the-air licenses, for their students to experience radio and for their listeners to enjoy.
[e.g. San Francisco; New York; Pittsburgh and Chicago; just to name four].

If you have any information about these stations,
[especially KUNF--LA CANADA, CA.], please e-mail
me at:

Thanking you ahead of time,
Art Uvaas
Riverside, California

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