Huge archive of 3M Tapes from someone who worked at 3M

by Michael Lynch
(Portland, Oregon, USA)

Hi - not really a story but a thank you for your great website - have learned a lot. Also I recently inherited hundreds of 3M reels from the family of Reynolds Marchant - a 3M engineer worked in the magnetic tape division in the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s. He started working on wire recorders then moved onto tape. He personally recorded a ton of live music onto very early Scotch tape - I have many unlabeled tapes, labeled early ones - 100, 101, etc. And of course tons of 111. Anyway I've started archiving them on a youtube channel - tons of amazing stuff and I'm barely a 1/6th of the way through with a few dozen videos.

Michael Lynch


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Sep 15, 2024
Looking forward to hearing your tapes!
by: Matt LaubeAnonymous

Thanks for stepping up and saving this great history. Paper tape is tough to archive as it breaks often but not as much as wire ! Don't ask how I know !

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