Ham Brosious, Audiotechniques, NYC, Owner

audiotechniques was MCI's largest dealer, representing the company in 11 northeastern states. MCI manufactured professional tape recorders and recording consoles. When Criteria Recording Studios were equipped with MCI gear, MCI was on their way to becoming the dominant

studio equiment firm for fifteen years. Many of the MCI inovative features were developed through the close relationship between MCI owner G.C. "Jeep" Harned and Mack Emerman. As a member of the board of directors of MCI I had frequent contacts with Mack who was one of the icons of the music recording world.

Ham Brosious

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Jul 13, 2014
by: Anonymous

Hi Ham,

Impressive! Please feel free to share stories, with the community, if you would be so kind.


Chris Juried

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