Greg Pine, Chief Engineer, Pacific Recording Studio (Early 1970's)

by Greg Pine
(Nashville, TN, USA)

Fred was my mentor in the recording business. I learned more about the business and techniques from Fred, than any other person in the industry. Fred always made time to explain a process until it was clearly understood. He would take the time to get a musician to hit the note -- perfectly! Sitting in on a session was a college course in the music business.

At the time, Fred's look was - - OK, a bit scary. Biker boots, blue denim jeans, faded blue button down shirt with the sheaves cut off at the shoulders. His long black hair (mid back) pulled back and his strong Indian nose, made him look very tough. In fact he was a gentle giant and had an even bigger heart.

Fred's ear was truly amazing. Be it a vibration on an instrument or a distortion in the system, Fred could always pin point it. His knowledge of stereo and quad imaging was in a class by itself.

Greg Pine

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