Earl McCluskie, friend, colleague
by Earl McCluskie
(Kitchener, Ontario)
Dear Board Moderator:
The Toronto section of the Audio Engineering Society is currently preparing a special tribute to Neil Muncy on December 18, 2012. The tribute will include a special meeting, with contributions from those who knew him as a friend, and worked with him as a colleague.
We are very grateful for the excellent bio you have created for this message board, and we have linked to it from our own website (www.torontoaes.org). We are creating a tribute that will soon have a permanent home on the AES.org website.
We have noted that there is no entry in Wikipedia for Neil Muncy.
Would you be interested in authoring such an entry, or would you give us permission to use your article as the basis for such an entry that we would submit?
Earl McCluskie
Bulletin Editor
Toronto AES