Criteria Studio C console. July 1976

by Jesse Miller
(Key Largo,FL USA)

Criteria Studio C console. July 1976

Criteria Studio C console. July 1976

Criteria Studio C console. 1976. Was a 14 year old bass player in Bed Sty, a punk band. Tracked 5 songs over 2 days. Studio was Locked Out by the Bee Gee's at the time. Our manager Chuck Compton arranged with Mac to "sneak" us in between 11 am and 5 pm. Had to move and exactly put back all the Bee Gees gear in place when we were done. This was the very beginning of my never ending audio journey.

Jesse Miller

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Mar 26, 2020
High Quality photos
by: Anonymous

Why are there no high quality images of this console. I've searched the entire internet!

Nov 28, 2015
Studio C
by: Miami Local band

That was such a great little room. It was said that Bowie liked it in particular although I don't know which record he worked on at Criteria.

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