Core Memory Data Storage

by Andre
(New Zealand )

I commend you all for the chivalrous act of trying (and succeeding) in preserving early video tech. History is lost when people like you are not around.
Anyway, to the point of my message. A loosely related form of pioneering magnetic storage: ferrite core memory. Although it's generally regarded ad "known territory" what is generally not more widely known is that a mumber of variations were experimentally investigated. These mainly centred on the necessity to have to re-write the data point after each bit was read leading to the necessary additional complicated circuitry in order to achieve this whilst slowing down data processong. I am generally aware that a number of alternative ferrite core architectures were dreamt up to overcome and remove this limitation of orthodox core memory.
I am intrigued to want to know more of the nitty gritty details of these experimental concepts. Does this fall within your remit and do you have any information to share? Do you know who might?


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