Chuck Berry at Sound Exchange

by David Blakey

Chuck Berry -

Chuck Berry -

Both sides of Chuck Berry's final Chess Records single release - "Shake Rattle And Roll"/"Baby What You Want Me To Do" (Chess CH-2169), released in February 1975 - were recorded at Sound Exchange. Recorded in August 1974, both were also included on his final album for Chess, "Chuck Berry" (Chess CH-60032). "Baby What You Want Me To Do", a remake of the Jimmy Reed blues perennial, features his daughter Ingrid Berry singing the lead vocal, with her dad taking the harmonies.

David Blakey

(The late Bo Diddley's authorised webmaster).

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Dec 20, 2011
Wonderful Memories
by: Phyllis Juried

I so remember this session, even the taking of the photograph's. I also remember meeting Chuck's daughter at the studio and having a wonderful conversation with her. She's a very sweet and lovely lady.

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