China West - World Banks - " In Debt Interview" - When the "Bee Geez" we're TOO snooty...!

by China West
(Boulder, Colorado- and Idaho

Way back when- when there were only TWO Sony 3324s in all of Miami - and much to the chagrin of our producer who was very regretful that we had even been hoodwinked in Houston to tracking on " THE FIRST TWO DASH 3324 Sonys in the United States , serial numbers 0001 and 0002... I digress...

Well it was a hot day in May and Andy Pechenick, my old friend from junior high had instructed me to call Studio Center because they had such an advanced machine and the only other folks who had one wouldn't open the door ... As it turned out for Billy Preston and Jimmy Miller and China West... Studio Center was extremely HOSPITABLE... Even though the engineer was asleep in the control room- having pulled an all nighter... Little did he HEAR that two limousines were outside - beyond the soundproof doors (and AIR CONDITIONING!!!) was Billy Preston and Jimmy Miller sweating to do an overdub to "Sleeping with Women"...!

It turned out great... Now if I could only find the track sheets update to properly credit our engineer...

I dunno... Does this qualify for a GREAT STORY about studio center... I remember hauling butt down to the next exit off the palmetto to find a phone to call the control room to let us all in!!!
This is a memory I wouldn't trade for a set of Meyers monitors!!!

China West... Thanks always...!

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Dec 10, 2017
"Too Snooty" was a computer correction INCORRECTION...
by: China West

I'm pretty sure that these darn computers as they are so advanced
are guilty of misquoting people more often than not.

It is completely conceivable that they auto correct took the typo
that was supposed to read "Too Busy" and made it look like

"Too Snooty" ... I mean what does "Snooty" mean anyway...HA ???

Just another example of the devil in the machine...or was that Ghost
in the Machine>???

Either way... It's all food. Right ???

Chang Dow for now.

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