American Studio Custom Universal Audio Console

by Erick Crews
(Jonesboro Arkansas)

Univeral 610 Console from American Studios, Memphis

Univeral 610 Console from American Studios, Memphis

This is a picture of the recording console from American Sound Studios, Memphis Tennessee. It featured Universal Audio 610 modules, and was used between 1967 and 1970 at the studio. Over 122 charting singles and 40+ gold records were cut using this desk. It is still in existence and owned by producer Chips Moman.

Erick Crews

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Sep 25, 2020
610 console
by: Anonymous

Howdy! Does anyone know where this console ended up?

Jun 25, 2020
Response to Jason Hiller
by: Erick Crews

The original tape machines at American Studio were one and two track machines, but I do not know the manufacturer. In 1967 the studio upgraded to the console shown above and to a 3-track Scully. Within a year they also bought a 4-track Ampex and in 1968 moved to an 8-track Scully 280. The last multi-track was a 16 track Ampex machine paired with an Electrodyne console. The bulk of the notable recordings done there were either on 4 or 8 track. Pictures and the history of the studio can be found here:

Erick Crews

Jun 23, 2020
Tape Machines at American?
by: Jason Hiller

Hi! Do you happen to know what tape machines were in use at American Sound ca. 1969-1974?
Many thanks! Jason

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