ShibaSoku AD725D Automatic Distortion Analyzer

Message Board - Shiba Soku AD725D Automatic Distortion Analyzer - General Discussion

The ShibaSoku AD725D Automatic Distortion Analyzer is an extremely accurate instrument capable of measuring THD and 2nd to 5th harmonics of fundamental frequencies from 4Hz to 110kHz.

This unit is capable of measuring distortion on -120dB (0.0001%) order, making this analyzer ideal for testing and evaluating the performance of high quality audio equipment and other applications where very low distortion measuremnets are required. With built-in GPIB interface, this unit can be incorporated into automated testing applications. The AG15C programmable low distortion oscillator is recommended signal source for the AD725D.

ShibaSoku AD725D Automatic Distortion Analyzer

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Fix and upgrade a ShibaSoku 725D 
Hi, I need to fix and upgrade a ShibaSoku 725D. How can I get a copy of the service manual with schematics. The earlier models have this information …

Mr Richard Marsh Not rated yet
How can I get a service manual or download schematics for a 725D? Thank you, Richard Marsh (530) 885-6809

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