Hewlett Packard Model 3200B - VHF Oscillator

Hewlett Packard Model 3200B - VHF Oscillator - General Discussion

Hewlett Packard Model 3200B - VHF Oscillator (Instruction/Service Manual)

The 3200B VHF Oscillator is designed for general purpose laboratory use in the frequency range of 10 to 500 MHz. Typical applications include: receiver and amplifier testing; driving bridges, slotted lines, antenna and filter networks; and use as a local oscillator for heterodyne detector systems. It is completely self-contained and housed in a modular cabinet which can be adapted for standard rack mounting.

A push-pull oscillator is housed in a rugged aluminum casting for maximum stability and extremely low leakage. Six frequency ranges are provided for adequate band spread on the slide-rule dial. Amplitude and pulse modulation may be obtained by the use of suitable external sources. The RF output is coupled through a waveguide-below-cutoff variable attenuator. An electronic RF level vernier is included as a front panel control.

A solid-state power supply furnishes all necessary operating voltages, including dc to the oscillator tube heaters for minimum hum modulation and maximum tube life.

The HP 13515A Frequency Doubler Probe extends the frequency range of the 3200B up to 1000 MHz. In the frequency range from 500 to 1000 MHz, the power output will be in excess of 4 mW across an external 50 ohm load.

Hewlett Packard Model 3200B - VHF Oscillator

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