The basic function of Gates Sta-Level is to provide constant level output. When the volume is too low, Sta-Level will raise it; if volume is too high, Sta-Level will automatically reduce it. This automatic adjustment for different input levels allows average output levels to be higher, since there is automatic protection. Soft passages are automatically raised in level-resulting in a uniformly higher level of transmission and the equivalent of greater signal output.
RECOVERY SPEED; Sta-Level recovers 2/3 level in 7 seconds and 90% level in about 28 seconds. This is considered typical. However, o kit of small fixed resistors is supplied. If the operator feels this is too slow or too fast, he may, by changing two resistors, increase recovery to as fast as 2 1/4 seconds for 2/3 level, ond 10 seconds for 90% level; or as slow as 11 1/4 seconds for 2/3 level, and 45 seconds for 90% level.
ACCESSORIES: None are needed, as the Sta-Level is a self-contained, one-chassis unit complete with regulated power supply.
GAIN: Since Sta-Level has as much as 62 dB gain, if your present system is short of gain, Sta-Level will pick it up. Both input ond output level controls are on the front panel to adjust for any gain you wish, down to unity or up to the full 62 dB.
Foundational text courtesy of Gates literature.
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