EveAnna got a lead from one of her father's ol' Ampeg employees about "two crazy South Africans running a small tube amp company out in Chino". Although this did not seem too appealing to her at first, she went to meet David and Luke Manley at VTL. EveAnna started on the bottom-most rung at VTL and soon worked her way through absolutely every phase and detail of construction, testing, prototyping, engineering, purchasing, sales, service, and production management in the company. She has worn many hats (and still does!) In 1993 Luke took over VTL while David and EveAnna founded Manley Laboratories, Inc. as a separate entity in their new 11,000 sq. ft. building. EveAnna donned a sales hat and got Manley Labs going. Things got rolling...........
However, in 1996, David Manley took off and moved to France leaving EveAnna in de-facto charge of Manley Labs. She, Hutch, and Baltazar took over the pressing R&D duties. Some of the most important products at Manley were created and some of the most important "fix-ups" of the older products took place during this period. The ads took a new direction under EveAnna's eye-catching yet sometime quirky direction-- but hey, they worked... Evident in company sales doubling during 1996-1999. In June 1999, the official company changes finally took place. And on we went.... stronger than ever.
EveAnna giving a tour to members of the Vietnamese HiFi Press.
EveAnna and Larry Janus, of Tube Equipment Corporation, checking out the Tube Equipment Corp. prototype Vacuum Tube Curve Tracer and analysis system, during the 2011 NY AES convention.
EveAnna and Larry Janus, of Tube Equipment Corporation, at the 2011 NY AES convention.
Mike Harris, EveAnna Dauray Manley, Larry Janus and Terry Manning, at the 2011 NY AES convention.
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Zero beats per measure and infinity gets the count Not rated yet
EveAnna, Love your PRIDE EQ. Where did you get the idea and how did it happen that you decided to make it a theme unit? Cool
Robin Reda
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